Prof. Adam Shoemaker with The Hon. Wade Noonan

Episode 6: Prof. Adam Shoemaker with The Hon. Wade Noonan

Hear what shaped Wade Noonan’s career and his vision for 'partnering with principle' in episode 6 of the People of VU Podcast. As the new DVC External Relations & Partnerships, Wade has hit the ground running with value and integrity.

Show notes

You probably know his name, but do you really know who the Honourable Wade Noonan is?

I had the privilege of having a deep conversation with Wade, the University’s new Deputy Vice-Chancellor External Relations and Partnerships, about work, life, and those that influenced him along the way.

Wade’s experiences in the Trade Union movement, parliament and community organisations have shaped him into such an inspired, level-headed and value-driven leader.

This podcast is hosted by



Adam Shoemaker

Adam Shoemaker

Professor Adam Shoemaker has extensive experience in the Australian University sector and is one of Australia's leading researchers in Indigenous literature and culture. He commenced as the Vice-Chancellor and President of Victoria University in December 2020 after four years as Vice-Chancellor of Southern Cross University. He spent his formative years in a diverse range of fields, such as reviewer and columnist for The Australian, an ABC Canberra Radio programmer, serving as chair of the Brisbane Writers Festival in the mid-1990s and spending three years with the Delegation of the Commission of the European Committees.

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Wade Noonan

Wade Noonan

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