Prof. Adam Shoemaker with Manar Mahfouz

Episode 25: Prof. Adam Shoemaker with Manar Mahfouz

Meet Manar Mahfouz, a remarkable VU graduate with talent both in and out of the swimming pool.

Show notes

Manar recently completed a Bachelor of Exercise Science at Victoria University and is not stopping there. She is now aiming to become an Osteopath, driven by a personal experience that deeply affected her life and pushed her toward a career in healthcare and rehabilitation.

Along her journey, Western Chances provided essential support that helped her achieve her dreams. But that's not all – Manar also has her eyes on the Olympics.

To hear more about Manar's incredible journey and what keeps her going, check out the latest People of VU podcast episode. Her story is all about passion, resilience, and the pursuit of potential.

Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello and welcome. I'm here to provide acknowledgement of country. For those who don't know me, I'm kj Karen Jackson, director of Moon Balletic. My genealogy tracks back to Moira Lakes in Bama Forest and Mount Hope in Pyramid Hill. Giving me my connections to Yorta, Yorta, and Barra language groups. There's a couple of things I'd like you to take away from my acknowledgement. The first is to remember the hidden history of Aboriginal people since invasion, our loss of language removal from country, and our new extinction from massacres and pandemics. The second is our strong and inherent connection to community and country. These connections have given us the resilience and courage to rebuild our languages, gain access to country, regenerate our cultural practices in acknowledging the traditional owners of the country on which you are now on. I'd like to sincerely thank them for their generosity and kindness in welcoming people onto their lands. Lands never seeded and lands that run deep into their being and spirit. I wish to pay my deep respect to the ancestors, elders, communities, and families of the Ang Wri on whose land I stand and who create connection and share knowledge with all of us. Thank you.

Speaker 2 00:01:17 Hello colleagues and welcome to the People of VU podcast. Thank you again, KJ, for providing a an amazing acknowledgement of country at the beginning of every episode. It is not just important, but very significant to me and to Victoria University. I also want to acknowledge and pay my deep respects to ancestors, to elders, and most importantly, to families of the traditional owners on all of our campuses. And we extend that respect to whoever you may be listening and of course anywhere in the world. In today's episode, I'm speaking with Manar Mafu, a third year Bachelor of Exercise student, science student at vu, who has literally just finished her degree, although it hasn't been awarded yet, after someone close to her was impacted by a stroke and witnessing therapy, help them recover. Mannar wants a career in occupational therapy so she too can help others. And as it turns out, the incredibly important local organization, Western Chances is helping her get there and has supported her each step of the way since she was in secondary school. But in addition to working so hard on her studies though, when our eyes an incredibly talented person in many respects and also in the water as a swimmer, she's trained every day with a goal to one day represent Australia. And we really want to hear some more about that as well. So now we've got a lot to talk about and welcome to the podcast. Hi, how

Speaker 0 00:02:42 Are you?

Speaker 2 00:02:43 Yeah, I'm, I'm absolutely thrilled. I'm looking forward to this. We actually, as you may know, had, we were sitting together at the Western Chances Lunch on Friday last week and had a, a sort of early version of this talk. And I was so impressed to hear your history and your dedication and the whole idea of that kind of work ethic that you've got. Where do you think you get this work ethic from? Well,

Speaker 3 00:03:04 It probably come my own drive pretty much. And maybe also my coach. My coach who has a big role in this. He's the one that always wanted to push me to go further and saw more the opportunity in me. You know, I can make my goal, which was hopefully the Australian team and also this little drive as well from my little sister too. So me ensuring that I go further and you know, keep improving and improving. It's like a motivation for me going back onto my little sister as well.

Speaker 2 00:03:32 So let's talk about your sister. What's her name? Layla

Speaker 3 00:03:34 Mafu.

Speaker 2 00:03:35 Layla. Okay. And and does she swim as well?

Speaker 3 00:03:37 Yes, she swims as well.

Speaker 2 00:03:39 So let's just describe a, a typical day at the Not office for you. Yep. In the pool. What time do you wake up in the morning and then go to the pool?

Speaker 3 00:03:47 So we wake up at four 30 every morning. Yeah. To go to the pool. Yep.

Speaker 2 00:03:51 Wow. And you to go together? Yes. And you live close enough to get here quite quickly

Speaker 3 00:03:55 To the pool? Yeah, like around five minute drive. So five minutes, which is good. It was really good. Really good.

Speaker 2 00:03:59 So you have like an automatic pilot on the wayside?

Speaker 3 00:04:01 Yeah, pretty much to the pool. Half asleep driving. Yeah. So yeah,

Speaker 2 00:04:05 And then do a bit of W work, you know, limbing up and stretching and that kind of thing. And then you're in the water by when? Five o'clock 5:00 AM Okay. And how long does that go for that workout?

Speaker 3 00:04:13 It goes for two hours. So we finish at 7:00 AM

Speaker 2 00:04:16 So no break. And you haven't had any breakfast or anything beforehand? No,

Speaker 3 00:04:19 I don't really tend to eat before I go training, so. Wow.

Speaker 2 00:04:21 Yeah. But you've got enough energy in you to last for two hours. Pretty, pretty solidly. Yeah,

Speaker 3 00:04:25 Pretty much.

Speaker 2 00:04:26 That's amazing. That's, that's amazing. And so is the, which club is it? Is it the VU Club or is it another club that you're

Speaker 3 00:04:32 Involved in? It's another club. So it's called Melton Swimming Club.

Speaker 2 00:04:35 Melton, yeah. Okay, great. Yeah. Great, great. And, but of course we have lots of students who've grown up in Melton campus nearby and all that kind of thing. Yeah. So tell me, let's just wind back the time a bit. When did you first remember going swimming? Like what was your, do you remember as a child when you first had your toe in the water at all?

Speaker 3 00:04:51 Well, I think it was when I did swimming lessons. So I pretty much, my origin is Melton waves, so I developed all my skills, my swimming and everything from Melton waves, which where I still train today. I still remember the swim teacher that made me all like, like made me go and see the swimming club 'cause he saw potential in me as well. And also to my, my parents. And my parents also helped me with going to go see that swimming club. So because I was just, when I touched the water and I don't know, I just, I'm always, I'm very competitive. Yeah. So I always wanted to, you know, be better than all the other other kids in the classes as well. So that's why I moved levels really quickly in swimming lessons. Ah. Then I got to the end of the swimming lessons and then we were like, what do I do now? Yeah. And then we saw this opportunity of Nelson Swimming Club and my coach, the coach that I have now. So he made me do like a five minute, I guess, assessment to see if I have like the ability to make the club. And within that, ever since then I've just skyrocketed from there. Wow.

Speaker 2 00:05:50 So in five minutes, what was in the assessment? Was it, you know, like lengths or what did you do?

Speaker 3 00:05:54 Yeah, so he could see if I could do first the four strokes, which is butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. Firstly, yes, if I can do tumble turns, so from the wall. Yeah. And also if I consume like at least a hundred meters, like without stopping and if I was like, okay doing it, so.

Speaker 2 00:06:07 Oh, that's good. Yeah. That's a good sort of way of an analyzing it, right? Yeah. And what's the coach's name?

Speaker 3 00:06:12 Robert Nielsen.

Speaker 2 00:06:13 Robert Nielsen. So Robert Emmy's consistently been coaching you since you began? Yes. And how old were you then?

Speaker 3 00:06:19 So I joined the club when I was 11 years old.

Speaker 2 00:06:22 Wow, that's great. Yeah, eleven's a very important age. 'cause you're just, they used to say in sociological terms, when you're 11 you're no longer a child, but you're not yet an adult. Yeah. So you're just at that cusp, you know? So a lot of athletics or different forms of, of sport can come to the fore at that age, which is really interesting that it happened for you as well. So the water has always been your friend. Yes. Do you go swimming even on holidays as well?

Speaker 3 00:06:45 Yes. So I have a love for the beach and I've always wanna go to the beach all the time. No matter if it's cold or if it's sunny, I always wanna go to the beach. Yeah. So, yeah.

Speaker 2 00:06:54 So would you describe yourself as a freshwater person or a saltwater person?

Speaker 3 00:06:58 I'll be a saltwater person. Saltwater

Speaker 2 00:06:59 Water. Yes. Even despite the, oh, as a chlorine person. Yeah.

Speaker 2 00:07:03 I guess you could say. Yeah. Or maybe saltwater pool. Yeah. If you're lucky, you know, that kind of thing. Yeah. So that, I mean, swimming is such an Australian thing. And we spoke a bit last week about the 2018 Commonwealth Games in the Gold Coast. Yes. I was privileged to be working at that time in the Gold Coast. So I went to a lot of the events. I was struck by the fact that very few countries in the world would have an outdoor competitive swimming pool, which they did there. And it was incredible experience to be in the stands. Have you been to that pool? Yes,

Speaker 3 00:07:33 I competed there literally last April that happened. Oh. What

Speaker 2 00:07:36 Was, what was it like to compete in that venue compared to, let's say, the indoor pools?

Speaker 3 00:07:40 Yeah. Oh, it's amazing. I love swimming at, in the Gold Coast, that leisure center there, that qua center. I love it so much. Just the environment there as well. And seeing like also all the Olympians that train there too. It's very inspiring. Yeah. And I just, I just love it there. So it's really

Speaker 2 00:07:56 Good. Yeah, it's really good. And of course it rained one time. Yes. When we were in the yard, you know, you, you have to occasionally put up with that. Yes. And you'll get it on your back or front depending on how, which stroke you're doing. Yeah. But did you have any rain when you were swimming?

Speaker 3 00:08:07 Luckily for me, no. But some of my teammates, when they had to swim their events, yeah the egg rained on them a little bit, which sadly, but, you know, just deal with it. I guess. You can't stop in the middle of the race. It's,

Speaker 2 00:08:17 It's part of the mix. Yes. It's part of the mix. Yes. So let's go back to when you first now studied as well 'cause we're talking about study. Where did you go to primary school?

Speaker 3 00:08:25 I went to Melton Primary School.

Speaker 2 00:08:26 So stay still in Melton. Yep. Yep. And you really like that area? Like in other words, you've done a lot in your career where you've sort of given back to people in that community. Do you wanna describe some of those things that you've done in the Milton area,

Speaker 3 00:08:38 For example? So one of them is, so I've got the opportunity to be part of a lot of leadership roles in primary school, secondary school and in my swimming club. Yeah. So I was school captain at Melton Primary, also house captain as well for sports. Then it develop, got also in secondary college, I got school captain two and at Melton Swimming Club I got the opportunity to be four, five years straight to be a captain for my swimming club. So. Oh wow.

Speaker 2 00:09:03 Yeah, that's a, yeah, all these captaincies I, yes, but it's a lot to take on board. Yeah, yeah. But you sense you took it in your stride pretty well. Yeah. You know, that's really good. Yeah. And could I just ask you then, when you're looking at how and where you're gonna go in your career, everyone loves swimming, you'll swim for life. Yeah, for sure. Even when you stop competing, you'll be swimming for life. Yes. But of course you have to have a, if you like, a proper professional career too. How did you decide what to study before you came to vu? Like, oh, you're probably looking around, but what went through your mind when you're looking at what to study?

Speaker 3 00:09:33 Yeah, so I always loved the idea of helping others. That was my, always my top priority too. Also like sport as well. So I wanted to kind of interrelate the two together. And then when I saw the opportunity of being able to get a bachelor in, so exercise science, that opened up a range of opportunities for me to go into any kind of sector I wanted and like lead me into masters as well. So anyway, I'm very focused on wanting to go into occupational therapy. Yeah. Because, so I don't know if you know, but my dad also had a stroke, so it was a, it'd be hitting six years now. Six years ago. Yeah. So that really hit like heart for me and my family. So we didn't go through a really great time when that happened 'cause we haven't really experienced anything like that. And seeing the process of him going through rehab and what they did for him and everything and I got the opportunity to be there as well and help him, that really inspired me to like take that direction as well. So that really motivated me. Yeah. I,

Speaker 2 00:10:31 I think it's fair to say I'm gonna manana that on these situations. People are often struck by a life event, you know? Yeah. Sometimes it's a negative event but they turn it into a positive for Yeah. The future. And it sounds like you did that too, like, you know, must have been a shock of course. But instead of just being shocked, you decided to really assist. Yeah. And I think you volunteered a little bit in that OT area as well, is that right? Yes. Yes. So tell us a bit about that.

Speaker 3 00:10:56 So they, I volunteered a lot more when they got into the Hy Hydrotherapy. So obviously water, I wanted to be part of it more. Yes, makes sense. Yeah. So like just the environment and what they did and the exercises and how, like I saw that smile on my face when my dad was doing it. Like he enjoyed it so much too. Ah. So I was thinking, you know, if I could be in opportunity of what this professional, this health professional was doing and I can put smiles on other people's faces like that, that would like really hit my heart. So I would really love to do that.

Speaker 2 00:11:25 What a wonderful AMA. Yeah. I mean, and and your dad's pretty pretty well now too, as after six years. That's great. Yes. You know, to hear that. Yeah. So we're gonna talk about scholarships for a minute. So here you were, someone who worked really hard, been a school captain. How did it eventuate that you came in touch with Western chances?

Speaker 3 00:11:43 So it was from the careers team that at me, secondary college, I never knew Western Chances was a thing. If it wasn't for the careers team at me, secondary college. They saw the opportunity in my academic results and my sport performance as well. So they gave me, they said to me, Hey Manas, so there's this scholarship that we want you to apply for and see how you go. I go, okay, why not? It's an opportunity and I'll take it. Yeah. And from there they've, I did the application, sent it through and then said, you're now a Western chance's nominees. Oh you got it. It's like, oh wow. Like this is some, that's something like really shocked me 'cause I really never been recognized for like, anything that I've done in my life really ever since year 11. Like from there I was like, oh wow. Like I actually have been doing something with my life. Like I can, what I'm doing is not going like wa it's not for waste. So yeah. Oh

Speaker 2 00:12:30 Yeah. Yeah. I don't think anything you've done has gone to waste. Yeah.

Speaker 3 00:12:33 Well I hope so. Yeah. I hope so. Sounds it's been

Speaker 2 00:12:35 Incredible. Yeah. I mean if I had to describe it as incredibly productive Yeah. You know, what

Speaker 3 00:12:39 You've done.

Speaker 2 00:12:39 Thank you. Thank you. And also inspiring to your younger sister, do you think that she might like to also follow in your footsteps and study something like that? Or what do you think?

Speaker 3 00:12:47 So she had this little like dilemma of what she wanted to do. Either be a lawyer or do something with sports. So she was stuck between the two. But, so it's very different to what I was thinking. Yes. But, so what she's seen, like with the opportunities that I've gotten, yeah. She's like, oh, maybe I can do something like that as well. So, 'cause she's now a western chances nominee as well. Ah, there you go. Yeah.

Speaker 2 00:13:08 She, she runs in the family. Yes,

Speaker 3 00:13:09 Of course it does. So, yeah. So she might wanna do exercise science as well at vu or she might want to go into teaching. Yes. So either the one, yeah. Either one

Speaker 2 00:13:20 Or that. Yeah. In fact. And you could also connect it by teaching in the area of, you know, phys ed and sports as well, if you wanted. So all sorts of combinations. Everything's in demand. Yes. Believe me. Both OT and teaching, you'd never be, you know, not in demand for those professions? I think so. I mean, I, I spent a bit of the time in, in the pool and I was preparing by swimming this weekend. I'm very slow compared to you.

Speaker 3 00:13:40 We should race on time. We'll see. We'll see.

Speaker 2 00:13:42 You'll finish an entire kilomet and all like feet laps or something. Yeah. You know, it's always interesting to see. Yeah. I mean, every so often you see someone who's obviously a competitive swimmer in another lane and they just glide through the water. Yeah. Do you glide?

Speaker 3 00:13:55 Yeah. I, I sometimes don't feel like I am, but I'll just say I do. I was like, okay, that's not what I'm feeling in the water. But yeah, apparently I look like I'm gliding, so Yeah. That's

Speaker 2 00:14:03 Amazing. What a thing. Like, don't ever, you know, underestimate that, but tell us about the strokes that you did. You went over them quickly, but you do individual medley as well, like the four strokes? Yes, I do. Competitively, yes. But what's your favorite swim stroke? It would

Speaker 3 00:14:15 Be butterfly and

Speaker 2 00:14:16 That's really hard. Yes.

Speaker 3 00:14:18 Everyone says that. Every time I mention it to someone, they're like, that's why do you choose the hardest stroke? I'm like, well I like that stroke. You just deal with it. Like, you know. Okay.

Speaker 2 00:14:25 Yeah. But you, you've said this a couple of times when when things are difficult you just deal with it. Yeah. Right? Yep. You know, whether the coach says it or your parents or you know, you, so with butterfly is, is there something at attractive about the fact that it's so, you know, one of those most dramatic strokes Yeah. To, to watch as well? Yes. Like it, no one gets bored watching butterfly?

Speaker 3 00:14:43 No, no. They don't. Like, especially if you wanna watch Michael Phelps swim it. Yeah, yeah. Like you can see how amazing he looks in butterfly and I, you know, try to see if I'm elegant like him when I swim. But yeah, I try my best. So.

Speaker 2 00:14:55 So tell us where you are in the sort of national scene. Yeah. Like you're competing and what you'd have to do to make it into a representative role. Like what are the, what are the chances and where would you have to peak to get to that stage? So

Speaker 3 00:15:07 Right now on national level, so I've been making finals at national level. So I'll be in, like if I'm so the a hundred butterfly event, I'll be in like the top 2015 in Australia with that event with the other girls that I can compete against. But if I wanna be like recognized and like, so to make, you know, like an Australian team or a Dolphins team, I'll probably have to make, try compete to make to the top three or top five at least. Yeah. Yeah. So I still have a long way to go, but I'm ready if I to anything that I need to do. 'cause I really wanna commit to this goal. I want to try and get it like as, as fast and you know, as good as I can. So, yeah.

Speaker 2 00:15:44 Yeah. And look, lots of people are in that sort of knocking on the door. Yeah. And then suddenly they improve, you know what I mean? Yeah. Like you see that a lot in swimming. People are kind of like, it's not steady state, but for a while and then suddenly there's a quantum leap. Yeah. A lot of sports are like that. And it's all that dedication. Dedication. As long as you can stay injury free. Yeah. Have you been okay with injuries?

Speaker 3 00:16:03 So a couple years ago actually, I developed bursitis in my shoulders. Yeah. So that put me back eight months. Yes. So I was out of the water for eight months and that was the most like, depressing time of my life. I, I was, was not happy with how I was or I didn't feel like myself, but, so I tried to keep going to the gym, tried to keep fit, but it's not the same when you are not in the water obviously. Sure. So, but you know, I did my physio exercises, made sure that I was, you know, committed to doing everything that I can to get back. And then a couple months after that I got back into the water. And ever since then, knock on wood, I haven't been injured yet, so. Oh, wonderful. Let's try keep it like that. Let's

Speaker 2 00:16:43 Hope it stays that way. Yes. Well often it takes a, again, a setback Yeah. To come back from it. Speaking personally. I know what you mean. When you're at sort of in that elite arena sport and suddenly you have an injury, it's not like a, it's not a life-threatening injury. It's just an occupational injury. Yeah. It's a bit like occupational therapy. Yeah.

Speaker 3 00:16:59 Wow. Yeah. Like think about it,

Speaker 2 00:17:00 You know, coming back to your occupation as a swimmer. Yeah. But getting there and then achieving that is a great sense of not only relief but achievement Yes. As well. And you've done it. So I think chalk that up as well as your degree. You've done both those things. Yes, I

Speaker 3 00:17:13 Have.

Speaker 2 00:17:13 Thank you. Really terrific. Thank you. And so, you know, if we're talking about the next thing win's your next competition.

Speaker 3 00:17:19 Well, so my major competition, so state championships, which are ha happening in Melbourne, they're not until for me next year in February. Right. So right now I'm just doing like your basic local competitions like here and there on the weekends just to get qualifying times and also just, you know, hope to get some PBS here and there. So do bring up my rankings a little bit. Right.

Speaker 2 00:17:38 Yeah. Oh, that's so important. Well, now let's just go back a little bit to this study because you just finished. What did you enjoy the most about doing the Bachelor of Exercise Science Clinical practice? Yeah. And of course lead leading to ot. What, what, what did you love the most about studying at vu? Oh,

Speaker 3 00:17:54 It was amazing. Just the environment and the people that I met like that made the, doing the bachelors so much easier and like working together and doing like assignments that was so hard, especially in biomechanics. I was not a big fan of biomechanics, but the help of the, my classmates, it made it so much easier. And also just the idea of the block model. I am, I'm obsessed with it. I would recommend anyone to come to VU for block model. I love it so much, especially if you're very committed to your sport. It balanced everything out very well. So that's was one big tick that I loved about coming here to finish my Bachelor. And also the lecturers like you made. So like I made a lot of friends, like I, they became friends to me. Like I didn't really see them as like lecturers or teachers anymore. Right. Which has made the classes very, you know, comfortable and engaging for me to actually, you know, commit to the content and be interested in the content. So

Speaker 2 00:18:46 Did you like the group work side of it too? Like there's like, the classes aren't that huge, so you got to know your classmates. Yeah.

Speaker 3 00:18:51 Also, yes, I did and it was good 'cause then we tried to like link up our units like for the next, for the next block so we could try to stay together sometimes. So that's

Speaker 2 00:18:59 Interesting. Yeah. And it sounds like, 'cause you have a schedule. Yeah. You, I take it you train twice a day usually, is

Speaker 3 00:19:04 That right? Yes, twice a day. Yeah.

Speaker 2 00:19:05 So you'd have to fit in, you know, your ti your study in Yes. Around, in and around that. Do you also work for money as well?

Speaker 3 00:19:12 Yes, I do work for

Speaker 2 00:19:13 Money too. So again, that's another thing to segment. Yeah. All these things. And you've managed to do how many hours in the pool a day? It sounds like four hours a day. Four

Speaker 3 00:19:19 Hours a day. Yes.

Speaker 2 00:19:20 Is that seven days a week or six? Six. Six days a week. Six days a week. Okay. 24 hours of that. Yep. Plus the study, plus the work. Yep. Plus the sleep. It's a pretty full schedule. Yeah, it is. You know, if you just do the math, it's pretty, yeah. It adds up rather quickly. Yep. So I'm really pleased you've enjoyed it. And so you've done the work study. Yep. Swimming. Yep. Volunteering, family commitments. Yep. What keeps sort of you motivated to keep sort of pushing on each day in all those four or five or six different areas? Yep.

Speaker 3 00:19:52 Well, coming and looking back at my family, both on my mom and dad's side. So there wasn't really like a child, anyone from that family that like, you know, balanced out their sport. Like no one really in my family was very part like that, interested in sport really. It was more academic stuff. And coming from like a Middle Eastern background, they weren't really interested in sport. Like there was always like, you know, study and like, you know, that's it Girl, girl as high as you go. But I'm very different to like my cousins and stuff. So yeah. It was just, you know, trying to do, I wanted to do sport and I wanted to be kind of different from them too. And I wanted to show like, you know, you can do both. You don't have just have to choose one on the other. Yeah.

Speaker 2 00:20:31 It's amazing. And they look can go together. A lot of very elite athletes are very good students and professionals too. Yeah. You find that there's a correlation. Yeah. So by no means does it have to be either or? Exactly. It can't be. And yeah. Now I think like our wonderful chancellor, I think you have a Lebanese background, is that right? Yes, I do. And so do you ever have relatives visiting as well? That kind of thing? Or not?

Speaker 3 00:20:52 Yeah, like at home. Mm. Like do, yeah, of course. They a lot they they come. Yeah. A lot. They come. So we're very big on family. Yes. So especially when it comes to like celebrations and stuff. Yeah. We go, we go all out. You do go out, we go all out.

Speaker 2 00:21:04 Well look, I was gonna say this. It sounds like you go all go all out in most things. It does sound that way to me. Yeah. It's kind of like nothing. Hold, hold nothing held back. Yeah. And I can just imagine, I think you'll be graduating formally in about March next year. Yeah.

Speaker 3 00:21:18 From Vu. That's what I've been hearing. Yes.

Speaker 2 00:21:19 And, and so we look forward to it. I, I have the privilege of sitting on the stage and clapping. Oh, okay. So, you know, when you go all out at your graduation, I can't wait to see you when that happens as well. Yeah. I'm sure it'll be really, really good. Thank you. No, it'd be fantastic. Yeah. So just the final thing is that we've talked about Western chances a bit before, but also they've been so great and almost you've given a, an amazing testimonial to that group just doing this, this podcast here today. Yes. Thank, we saw hundreds, hundreds, literally hundreds of students like yourself who've been benefited. What I've gotta say is it's such a great moment of pride to think that, you know, with Vu, with the Western health arrangements, with all these major Western Melbourne things, they're one of the greats Yes. As well. And, and we're so delighted to be working so closely. Yeah. Together, as you may know, we've actually got the Western Chances Office physically located on one of our campuses at the moment. Yeah, yeah. At Red Foot Screen Nicholson. So it's a great partnership. Yes. Really good thing. Yes. So any, any final comments about, you know, where you're gonna go next? What's, what's your goal? Maybe five or 10 years out? I know not just sport, but perhaps part of it. Yeah. But do you have any other bigger life goals? Yeah,

Speaker 3 00:22:23 Well sometimes I don't even know what I'm gonna do tomorrow, but to go five, 10 years down the track, well

Speaker 2 00:22:28 You're gonna, you'll probably be in the pool at five in the morning. Yes,

Speaker 3 00:22:30 Exactly. Yes. Yes. But five, 10 years time. Ooh. So hopefully I'm thinking I'm done with my bachelor. Done with my master's, sorry. Start, start doing my job. Occupational therapy, you know, still hopefully made the Australian team swimming by that time. Then I what? I be like 30, 30 something years old. Yeah. See if I'm still suing. Okay. By then as well. Like competitively. If not, I'll still be that, you know, later on down the track as I get older, I'll be al always that old person that's at the leisure center, just chilling in the hydro, you know, swimming some laps, getting out. Always will be there. Do

Speaker 2 00:23:07 You think you'd be a coach ever?

Speaker 3 00:23:08 That was always in the back of my mind. Yeah. So I might go down that track too, to be honest. Possibly. Yeah.

Speaker 2 00:23:13 You do have all the skills. Yeah.

Speaker 3 00:23:15 Yeah.

Speaker 2 00:23:15 Thanks. Communication skills, organization skills. Thank you. Thank you. Wonderful. You know, every aspect of your personality tends in the direction of inspiring other people as well. Thank you. Yeah. So I think aside from your sister, yeah, I'm sure you could coach her. It would be good to think of what,

Speaker 3 00:23:29 I don't if she'll listen to me, but yeah, I'll see how that goes. Might

Speaker 2 00:23:32 Be that might be the last one who'd listen. Yeah. But in the meantime, we can't wait to see you in March and we can't wait to see how you do in the nationals and in every possible stroke you may be doing in the pool. The very best of success. It's been a delight speaking with

Speaker 3 00:23:44 You. Thank you so much. Great. Thank you.

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